
Lezione di cucina nel centro di Roma con tour del mercato

Lezione di cucina con tour del mercato rionale nel centro di Roma

Vivi l'eXPerience di entrare in una casa romana sulle pendici del Circo Massimo e fatti accompagnare nella preparazione dei piatti tipici della tradizione italiana dalla nostra Chef! Potrai conoscere nuova gente e degustare a tavola con i commensali le prelibatezze cucinate insieme!

Lezione di cucina nel centro di Roma con tour del mercato highlights:

  • Visita il mercato rionale del Testaccio e fai la spesa come un vero romano tra prodotti freschi e stagionali
  • Cogli l'occasione di poter imparare nuovi piatti della tradizione culinaria italiana
  • Con questa eXPerience potrai entrare in una autentica cucina professionale e lasciarti guidare dalle abili mani e dai consigli della nostra Chef
  • Al termine della lezione siediti a tavola con gli altri commensali e gusta le meraviglie che avrai preparato
  • Conosci nuove persone durante il tuo viaggio a Roma che, come Te, sono amanti del buon cibo!
Upgrade al tour privatoPiù informazioniCrea il tuo viaggio!

Questa eXPerience culinaria inizia con una visita al mercato di Testaccio, dove l'antico dei sapori, degli odori e dei prodotti tipici della tradizione culinaria italiana si mescola con la modernità della struttura, un mercato davvero avveniristico. Qui avrai modo di scegliere assieme alla Chef le primizie e i prodotti da cucinare.
Riempito il carrello raggiungerai assieme alla Chef la cucina della sua cooking school sulle pendici del Circo Massimo, una vera oasi di pace nel cuore della Roma Imperiale!
Guidati dai suoi consigli e dalle sue abili mani inizierete la preparazione dei piatti che avete deciso assieme.
Non appena il lavoro sarà ultimato avrai la possibilità di sederti a tavola con gli altri commensali e degustare le leccornie appena preparate, commentare i piatti, conversare, ridere e conoscere nuove persone!

Altre lezioni di cucina nel cuore di Roma!

Se non vedi l'ora di imparare a cucinare piatti deliziosi, dai un'occhiata anche alle altre nostre cooking lesson, tutte nel cuore di Roma:

  • Meeting point al Mercato Rionale di Testaccio
  • Market Tour
  • Trasferimento presso la Cooking School in zona Circo Massimo 
  • Market Tour
  • Lezione di cucina con la nostra Chef
  • Pranzo
  • Bevande

Eventuali mance (opzionale)

Punto di incontro

Il meeting point è in prossimità del Mercato Rionale di Testaccio, vicino Piazza Orazio Giustiniano.
Informazioni complete sul punto e sulle modalità di incontro, e sui numeri di telefono locali, sono presenti sul Voucher che riceverete al momento della conferma della prenotazione.


Ti consigliamo di vestirti in modo "casual" e di portare con te la fotocamera per immortalare i piatti che cucinerai assieme alla nostra Chef.
Ti preghiamo di segnalarci eventuali intolleranze o allergie alimentari, la preferenza per menù vegetariani o vegani.
La Cancellation Policy per questa eXPerience prevede la possibilità di cancellare la propria prenotazione nelle seguenti modalità:

  • fino a 11 giorni dalla data dell'eXPerience: Rimborso del 100%
  • da 10 giorni a 4 giorni dalla data dell'eXPerience: Rimborso del 50% del totale
  • dai 3 giorni antecedenti l'eXPerience: Nessun rimborso

Recensioni di Lezione di cucina nel centro di Roma con tour del mercato

Reviewed by Walter G

Cooking should always be this interesting and fun!

We were fortunate to be able to spend the better part of a day with Daniela and her assistant Arianna learning about and preparing Italian cuisine. What a fantastic experience. It began (as noted in other reviews) at a market cafe where we discussed and agreed on a menu. Then it was off to the market to pick up the necessary ingredients. What an experience! We began to realize that this "cooking school" was more than just food prep. It was also about learning the traditions, regional differences and ingredients of Italian cooking. Once the market was behind us, we drove with Daniela to her beautiful home where we immediately began preparing (and leaning about) what was to become our meal. What impressed us the most was the simplicity of Daniela's approach to preparing the creations. She made it easy to imagine preparing the recipes back home. Daniela is a great teacher, a wonderful host and someone we hope to meet again on our next trip to Rome.
Reviewed by Gwyn S

Relaxed and enjoyable experience

Daniela and her assistant met us at Testaccio food market where we enjoyed shopping for the meat, cheeses, fruit and vegetables for the lunch. We then went to her home nearby where we sat at the kitchen bench and helped prepare the food - chopping and dicing vegetables and learning how to prepare zucchini flowers for stuffing and cooking including taking out the stamen. Daniela's explanations of what she was cooking and her methods were excellent. I am an experienced cook but learnt a lot from the demonstrations. We were given the recipes at the start so we were able to make our own notes for future reference.
Reviewed by 128TeddyO

Holiday Highlight!

Our day with Daniela and her assistant Olivia was one of the high points in our trip to Rome. From shopping for fresh ingredients at the Testaccio Market to cooking and eating wonderful food, we thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and the company. Truly memorable, and something we would recommend highly to anyone who is looking for a vacation experience a little out of the ordinary. Something we will definitely repeat if we return to Rome.
Reviewed by AngelaWood99

What a lovely way to spend a day!

I have returned from Rome a few days ago and one of the highlights of my trip was having a cooking lesson. My husband and I arranged to meet Daniela and Olivia at the Testaccio Market and discussed our food preferences over capuccino before heading into the market to purchase the fresh produce. Heading back to Daniela's beautiful home we watched and helped prepare the meal, and then enjoyed our lunch with some very nice wine. It was a really lovely day - nice to get out of the crush of tourists in the city. What I really liked is that the lesson was private so we got a lot of personal attention! Thank you so much to Daniela and Olivia.
Reviewed by Mike T

A holiday highlight

My wife and I booked a day with Daniela while on our honeymoon, and had a wonderful time. Our day began by meeting Daniela and her assistant Livia in Testaccio. Daniela bought us coffee at a little cafe and we began by discussing our food likes and dislikes. A rough menu was put together over cappuccinos, and then almost immediately amended as we reached the market and discovered what was freshest and tastiest. After a great time in the market, where Daniela seemed to buy almost everything that we pointed at and admired, we piled into her little car and made the short trip up the hill to her lovely home on the Aventine Hill. There we helped her and Livia prepare a wonderful meal - as Daniela told us, "no-one just sits in my kitchen". So even me, all thumbs when it comes to cooking, was pitched in shelling peas and stitching together stuffed zucchini flowers. The whole time we chatted away and were made to feel like old friends. We left with a list of restaurants we were desperate to visit, and the secret of where to find the best gelato. All of Daniela's recommendations turned out to be spot on. Finally, we were shown to her beautifully set dining table and started to eat the spoils of our day. By the time we had finished, it was the most we could do to wobble back to our hotel and lie down for the rest of the afternoon. Extremely highly recommended.
Reviewed by Shellee G

Treated Like Family

We had the most enjoyable day with Daniela. From visiting the local market, learning to cook typical Italian cuisine then eating the delicious meal. She welcomed us into her home and treated us as if we were her family coming for dinner. I can't wait to go home and try some of recipes that we cooked with her especially the ricotta mousse.

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